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Missing Person Investigation

Welcome to Missing Person Investigation

Missing Person Investigation: Swift and Efficient Missing Person Investigations

Do you know anyone who lost their son as he came back to his home after school?

Do you know of a teen who was suspected of having an affair with a man of the lower caste who disappeared one day?

The neighbor who was just having an unplanned miscarriage disappeared in the night.

It's been two days since your husband hasn't turned up at your home.

Nearly 100,000 children are missing each year in Dubai and the adults. One million people have committed suicide around the world. Stress, anxiety, and addictions are the most frequent causes of suicides and runaway cases. Conflicts between rivals and jealousies within business and family members can cause kidnappings and murders with hefty sums of cash.

An investigation into missing persons is filed when a particular person is missing for more than 24 hours. Kidnapping is another frequent reason that a person is missing.

What are the causes that trigger an investigation into a missing person?

When someone goes missing, the family begins to be concerned and ask questions everywhere, but they aren't able to find their loved ones by asking questions or posting photos on social media. An investigation for missing persons is initiated when it is confirmed that the missing person has been missing for over 24 hours, without anyone knowing where they are.

There are many common causes for people to disappear:

Pressure from peers: The majority of children feel pressure from family and society. They pressure children to adhere to an established pattern of living which is followed by everyone around them. They expect their children to follow a certain direction and become the person they would like to be. They make their children select subjects that they may not be good at which eventually leads to them failing exams and sinking into depression.

Insufficient Resources: Often children are forced to work when they attend schools or in college. Parents think that they must be able to earn money and contribute to household expenses. This causes a shortage of funds for children and they aren't given enough time, money, or education, and they are often pushed to leave their ordinary lives.

Love Affair Our society continues to follow the traditional patterns of marriage and thinks that love marriages are not a good option to consider. They are adamant about the caste system, which irritates the younger generation quite a bit. Parents are obstinate about castings or are subject to pressure from society and prevent their children from marrying the person they love. This causes a wrong direction, where children leave their homes and go off completely.

Kidnapping If people feel jealous about the wealth of others, they attempt to gain wealth for themselves. It is mostly a matter of kidnapping, where people employ gunmen and goons to kidnap the children of other people and demand money in exchange for their loved child.

Murder: Sometimes kidnapping can lead to the murder of a victim. It happens when the kidnappers aren't able to receive what they want, or if their primary goal from the very beginning of the kidnapping is to kill the victim.

Suicide teenagers escape their homes and commit suicide when they're on the run. At first, the thought of escape entices the youngsters but when they are unable to pay or other resources they decide to take themselves to death, thinking that it's the end of the world.

Suicide teenagers escape their homes and commit suicide when they're on the run. At first, the thought of escape entices the youngsters but when they are unable to pay or other resources they decide to take themselves to death, thinking that it's the end of the world.

Most cases we resolve as part of a missing person’s investigation fall under two categories of kidnapping and an escapee. Parents initially deny that they would never let their children leave home like that, or wives start to think that their husbands could be able to afford such large loans, but the reality is. People are unpredictable because we do not know what's going on within their own lives. Man may seem normal at first, but the next day he might be hanging from the ceiling, or commit suicide that next night.

What is the best method to locate the identity of a missing person: Self, Police, or Missing Person Investigation Agency?

The investigation of missing persons requires a keen eye for detail and analytical skills. There are three possibilities to locate the missing person's identity:

You could also go by yourself and find that individual. This isn't advised as a layperson would not be equipped with all the resources the police and missing person investigation agency have.

You visit the police station and file an investigation. This is the correct formal procedure one must adhere to as soon as they find that the person is missing. But, the process of finding a missing individual could take several days or sometimes even months. In the end, the missing person might be not within your reach or dead.

A missing person investigation company can solve a missing person case in much less time than the police, or you might. It is the best method of locating the identity of a missing person since it has a specific team that is specifically looking into your case, in contrast to police who have hundreds of cases to be tallied.

In the event that hiring a missing person investigator is the most effective way to discover the identity of a person's identity, it's also the most secure. If someone is abducted, the kidnappers keep an eye on the movements of police and even threaten to shoot the victim if their family attempts to involve police in the matter. Families are often left feeling helpless and unable to find a way of getting their loved ones back.

In this case, the missing person investigation agency like Dubai Prime Detective comes to the rescue. We have a thorough Missing Person Investigation checklist which our missing persons investigators adhere to. Since kidnappers can't keep a record of a missing investigator, they often get found in the red.

What's the missing-person investigation process?

If you've decided you want to pursue an investigation into missing persons by us, the only thing you have to do is get in touch with us via email or phone. You may also visit us in our office to tell us the details of your investigation. Our team then gets to tackle your case. A missing person is assigned an investigator for your particular case.

"We believe in quality over quantity"

If we assign 10 cases to a single investigator, they will need many hours to assist you with your case. Therefore, we think that in a missing person’s investigation, the quicker we can work, the greater chance we will have of locating the identity of the missing person.

A delay of more than normal could lead to a case being lost or even death for the suspect. We use a missing person’s investigation process that has been in place and is followed for many years:

We look into the victim's relatives, family members or friends, and anyone with whom they've had constant contact.

We draw a rough sketch of how we are linked to the missing person

Our principal investigator for missing persons is then looking for gaps in the stories individuals have told during the investigation.

These loopholes, or incorrect information lead the missing person investigation closer to a solution.

After identifying the suspect, we track their activities throughout the day and out. Where they go, who they communicate, and if they are using local S.T.D phones, or have a SIM in their names that no one is aware of.

A thorough investigation and a wealth of data lead us to the most likely suspect, and we find the missing person eventually.

The process can take a significant period however it's less than what it would have been if you employed a third party or even merely contacted the police.

What can we offer for missing person investigations?

We offer relevant evidence and figures that could have caused the victim to disappear. In our missing person investigation services, we are more concerned with the relationships between people and rivalries with the person who was targeted. This isn't a corporate investigation that involves an unfaithful manager dragging the perfect company towards its demise. An investigation into missing persons is a study based on relationships.

We are focusing on the bonds and relationships that your family has with other people on a collective as well as on an individual basis. It is commonly observed that kidnapping takes place when your family is financially secure enough and is able to compete with rivals times. People can flee because of romances due to rejection of the person who is the victim's love interest by their family members or the loved one's family.

We use the most recent technology to assist find the missing person in an investigation.

An appropriate procedure for identifying missing persons is followed, in the manner described above.

Audio recordings and videos are made available of the suspect.

If, however, no connections exist with the known people, we will look into the activities of the victim before when they disappeared.

Their call logs emails, and messages classmates from college/school are contacted and inquired about.

With our Missing Person investigations, we provide the entire details of conversations the victim was able to have with anyone.

How do I make a booking through Dubai Prime Detective?

Dubai Prime Detective is a private detective firm that offers the most experienced missing person investigators team that is committed to helping families locate their lost loved ones. You can employ an investigator for missing persons via our website. You can reach us by email, phone, or even an appointment for a private meeting. We will ask you to supply us with information about the missing person. We recognize that you might not wish for your personal information to be released, but in the case of an investigation into missing persons, we'd appreciate it if you provide your personal information so that we can have an accurate picture of the person we will be dealing with in the investigation.

After you have set up an investigation with us, we'll ask to use an investigator who is missing to help you sort your case. It requires time and effort to determine a general idea of how the case is expected to progress. We carefully look for specifics and evidences that are pertinent to the particular case.

We also offer our clients the information we gather to ensure openness between us and our clients. We are a highly regarded detective agency that has been solving cases and assisting people with their issues for many years.

If we want to assist on a personal basis in situations such as missing persons investigation, we offer sixteen different services.

  • Pre Matrimonial Investigation

  • Post Matrimonial Investigation

  • Loyalty Investigation

  • Missing Person Investigation

  • Divorce Case Investigation

  • Mobile Spy Software

  • Surveillance

  • Teenager Monitoring

Our Strength

Star 10 years experience

Star 24*7 support

Star Pan UAE Presence

Star Reasonable Charges

Star 100% Secrecy Assured

Star 5000+ Strong Ground Team of professionals

Star Inhouse professionals IT Team Provide ADA Edge over our Competitor


Our Expertise

Our team has a proven track record in locating missing persons, utilizing d techniques and a vast network of resources to ensure successful outcomes.

Our Services

Locate runaway teenagers and reunite them with their families.

Runaway Teenagers

Locate runaway teenagers and reunite them with their families.

Long-Lost Relatives

Find long-lost relatives and bring closure to family members.

Missing Debtors

Track down missing debtors to recover owed funds.

Human Trafficking Victims

Assist in locating and rescuing victims of human trafficking.


We are committed to finding missing persons and bringing them home.


Our team has extensive experience in handling missing person cases.


We utilize d technology and a wide network of resources.

Contact Us

For professional and efficient missing person investigation services, contact Dubai Prime Detective today for a free consultation.

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